MTP Kit is primarily used to terminate an unintended pregnancy within the first trimester, that is before 9 weeks of gestation. The kit involves a combination of two medicines, Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Both are harmless to use and give you more than 95% effective results when used as directed. This termination process is known as Medical Abortion. You can buy MTP Kit online or a safe early pregnancy termination.
You need to confirm your pregnancy before going for a Medical Abortion with termination pills Just missing the period should not be the only thing to determine if you are pregnant.
Precautions To Follow For A Safe End Of Gestation
Know the exact gestational age before using the termination tablets, as it is only approved to use before 9 weeks of gestation.
If you have an ectopic pregnancy or have a complication with your pregnancy should not use Abortion Kit.
Suspected allergic reaction to the medicine involved in the MTP kit must not use It.
If you have a health condition such as heart issues, liver or renal problems, or blood clotting disorder should consult with your healthcare expert before terminating a gestation with Abortion pills.
Effects After Abortion With Mifegest Kit
Abortion is a very common and essential part of reproductive health care. It is considered harmless and effective unless and until followed the procedure as instructed. If you have some doubts about the future of using an MTP kit, here are some facts to mention,
It does not increase the risk of breast cancer, nor affect the fertility
Having an abortion will not cause issues for future pregnancies like birth defects, or pregnancy complications.
Though emotional problems may occur, it is uncommon to have them for the long term. If you are feeling negative emotions and unable to overcome them, it is recommended to seek help from professionals.